
a sermon for Sunday 17th February 2013. Read Genesis 2:15-17, 3:11-8, Luke 4:1-13.

To be human is to experience temptation, and in Luke’s narrative – as the final event before his public ministry begins – Jesus is put to the test.

If you need further proof that Jesus is fully human here it is – like you and me – Jesus was tempted, he could not escape that side of life. And don’t think for a moment this was his only experience of temptation. I am sure like you and I temptation was before him at all times. Hebrews 2:18 tells us he was tempted in every way. Continue reading

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Lessons from Joseph: Stand!

From the sermon Sunday 19th July. Read Genesis 39 & 40

When life is tough, when temptations come our way, when all seems lost, some stand – some fall. There are some that stand out with incredible strength to maintain what they believe – to resist the pressure of the crowd, to resist greed of money, or status, to resist moral temptation.

I don’t know all the details but my recollection of Sir John Marshall, former Prime Minister of New Zealand was that he was a good example of a man who stood firm throughout his career. Over 29 years in parliament, 20 years as a minister and 17 as deputy leader or leader of the National Party Sir John was renowned for his strength of character, and deep Christian faith.  Sir John I am sure had many opportunities to stumble but he remained centred on Jesus Christ to the day he died en route to a meeting of the United Bible Society. Continue reading

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